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Hey there, I’m Joseph, a tech aficionado with a habit for pushing boundaries. Whether it’s crypto, AI, or cybersecurity, if it’s at the edge of human potential, I’m probably obsessing over it.

I’m not just about bits and bytes, though. I’ve had the privilege of living in various corners of the world: from the US to Italy, Colombia, Japan, Cambodia, and Thailand. Each place offers a new lens to view life, challenges my beliefs, and introduces me to some mind-bendingly delicious food.


  • Our mission is to make crypto education easy and fun - if a 5 year-old can't understand it, we're doing something wrong


Previous Hats:

  • Managed product operations at Robinhood Crypto

  • Managed legal and operations risk at Meta (Facebook/IG)

  • Advised on cybercrime law for Cambodia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  • Shaped cyber governance a Cybernance Corporation

  • Advised as a cybersecurity consultant at the venerable PwC



Core Values:

  • Loyalty and transparency

  • Being weird and different

  • Keeping your word

  • Thinking BIG and taking risks

  • Working efficiently


Learning Path:

  • Master in Digital Technology Management & Artificial Intelligence from the Università di Bologna – Bologna Business School

  • BBA in Management Information Systems from The University of Texas at Austin – McCombs School of Business

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson


To Do List:

  • Complete a Spartan Race Beast

  • Sail from Texas to Florida

  • Fly in a helicopter

  • Experience Burning Man

  • Hit 150mph+ on the German Autobahn

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